Sunday, December 17, 2023

Items I got at the Music Store 𝄢 ♪ ♫ ♬

So, these are the items I got yesterday!

First one, the bridge, of course - I went there for it! This is a Josef Teller bridge. My cello already came with a Teller bridge, but it was not so well adjusted, so the way was to buy a new one.
Then, a necklace! I was like crazy looking for a bass clef one, and found a heart shaped treble clef and bass clef. I had to buy it haha.
And then I got some presents! A mousepad, keychains and a pair of sheet music clips!
These are so adorable! They will help me a lot. I was having to hold the sheets with clothespin haha.
I am so happy with my new items!


  1. The sheet music clips are SO cute! And so is your new necklace *___* such cute, happy items!


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