Friday, November 8, 2019

10 different foods you like

Today's challenge is to list 10 foods I like. But "ten foods" is not very accurate, and also the challenge has a day just for the sweets, so I will post only the salty foods today. The main idea is "10 foods you can call Ana (me) to eat!

10 things you can invite me to eat

1. Ramen

I always thought it was a "Naruto thing", and that ramen = noodles. But when I had the opportunity to taste it, it became a favorite.

2. Karaage chicken

It has a long time I don't eat it, buut I love it! The best I have ever ate was the one from friday night's city fair, with onigiri.

3. Potato filled with strogonoff and potato sticks

A delicacy of the gods, unintentionally dropped from the heavens.

4. Chicken Parmegiana with fries

Currently my favorite dish, you can get any information out of me as I eat it.

5. Kare

I would never refuse kare.

6. Any fast food from Mc Donalds or Burger King

If you invite me, we can have a lolita meetup there.

7. Not Dog (a vegan fast food)

8. Mr. Pig

The bistro's owner always thinks it's funny that I only eat this when I go there. The thing I like most is the caramelized onion and this olive mayonnaise. So tasty!

9. This yakissoba from Lanchonete 168

In the ranking of the best yakissobas in the world only loses to my mother's Yakissoba.

10. Good Day's Yakissoba

Not quite a yakissoba the way we know it, but more a pasta with vegetables. It's simply one of my favorites, and when I go there just like to eat that. The taste is magic !!!

I'm not quite sure what food has to do with lolita, but I think it makes perfect sense when you stop to think that one of our favorite pastimes when we wear lolita is to go eat.


  1. Eu achei esse desafio muito legal. Tem um link para ele? Talvez eu faça.

    1. Esse é um desafio bem antigo que vi em outros blogs, então não sei bem qual a fonte, mas coloquei os temas dos 30 dias aqui:


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