Thursday, November 7, 2019

Playing the tourist at Liberdade

Yesterday we went to Liberdade (mostly known as the japanese neighborhood in São Paulo) and we had a very Harajuku day: eat and take pictures!
I was wearing something I wanted to do for a long time: an Oldschool lolita outfit! Although nothing about it is really oldschool, since nothing is that old, I thought it looked good on aesthetics.
I made a stupid edition to make the photo looks like a Fruits' snap, and I made it inspirated in the "Gothic & Lolita" book from Phaidon.

Headbow: MeLikesTea
JSK: Metamorphose Temps de Fille
Blouse: Angelic Pretty
Socks: offbrand
RHS: Vivienne Westwood x Melissa
Bag: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright

The first stop after visiting Miniso was, of course, at the Komei Restaurant! I already talked about this restaurant in my last post about Liberdade, and this time as my boyfriend went along, he tried vegetarian Kare and loved it a lot! I again took Kare Tonkatsu and this time I made sure to go with a very empty belly to be able to eat everything! It was delicious! I highly recommend this restaurant! Now they have a loyalty card too, so it's even cooler because by putting together 10 stamps you get R$ 35 in consumption!

Komei Restaurante
Rua Thomaz Gonzaga, 65 Liberdade

After a while we went to Hachi Crepe & Cafe because I wanted my boyfriend to try the crepe. He very coincidentally chose the crepe I ate last time, and this time I chose an Ichigo Parfait, and I loved it so much!

Hachi Crepe & Café
Rua Galvão Bueno, 586

Then we went to Tea Station, because it's already a tradition to go to Liberdade and have bubble tea!

Tea Station
Rua da Glória, 326

Sometime before or after that I came back to Miniso to buy a pink Panther lipstick and go to one of the grocery stores for marshmallow haha.
Then to end the day with a golden key, we went to 89ºC Coffee Station.
I had never been there, although whenever I go to Liberdade I step right in front. This cafe has beautiful sweets, and my first impression it is very disputed to be able to sit ... But of course, with so many options, there was so many people there! I ordered macarons to debut there, one of passion fruit and one of sicilian lemon. Very tasty and kawaii!
89ºC Coffee Station

The day was very cool, but I feel like I've exhausted Liba's kawaii / lolitable places. Does anyone have any indication of any cool places to go there?


  1. nossa meu sonho é poder esgotar os lugares kawaii assim xD aqui na minha cidade infelizmente n tem nada, mas amo ver quando vc vai para a liberdade e traz experiencias maravilhosas de lá, pelo menos eu ja sei onde visitar vendo vc ir pra lá !

    1. Olha que lá não é difícil esgotar os lugares viu, tem bem pouca coisa, e tipo em dois dias você visita tudo de interessante lá :/ o café que tinha lá que era o preferido das lolitas na liba fechou, e as livrarias já não vendem mais revistas lolita, salvo alguma otome no sewing, que acaba saindo rapidinho, então é como se nunca tivesse.

      São Paulo tem bastante lugares daora pra ir, então vou começar a dar uma passeada por eles para fazer algo novo :)

  2. Liberdade é um local encantador! Eu nunca fui d lolita a liberdade, mas vou tentar ir na próxima vez. Estamos planejando nossa ida ao Brasil para Maio.

    1. Lá é muito legal lolitar! Eu adoro esses lugares de comer, tem a Miniso (lá tem bastante coisa daora), sem falar que se você marcar uma foto sua do insta lá pode aparecer no Liberdade Street Fashion, então é bem divertido.


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