Tuesday, January 21, 2020

[Selfmade] Pancake Hat for Honey Cake

Recentemente durante meus passeios pelo Enjoei, acabei sem querer achando um chaveiro de panqueca. Com certeza foi o universo mandando eu fazer algo para o Honey Cake!

Recently during my "walks" in a brazilian second hand site, I ended up accidentally finding a pancake keyring. It was certainly the universe telling me to do something for the Honey Cake.

Estou muito orgulhosa do chapéu! Espero que combine bem com meu Honey Cake em ivory! Eu quero usar com a blouse gingham que fiz ontem!

I am very proud of the hat! I hope it matches my ivory Honey Cake! I want to wear it with the gingham blouse I made yesterday!


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