Thursday, June 4, 2020

[Got Lolita] More items from Pastel Cubes Sales!

Hoje carteiro senpai resolveu me visitar!
Chegaram as coisas que comprei com a Luly do Pastel Cubes! Eu sei que eu disse que já tinha comprado tudo o que queria de lá, mas sempre que dou uma olhada me apaixono por algum acessório!

Today postman senpai decided to visit me!
The things I bought with Luly from Pastel Cubes arrived! I know I said that I had already bought everything I wanted from there, but whenever I take a look I fall in love with some accessory!

Como ultimamente estou meio sem dinheiro, comprei só duas coisas, mas eu queria comprar mais, tanto que agora que recebi já fiz mais uma compra lá hoje haha. As duas coisas que comprei foram: uma peruca e um anel de coelho!

As I am a little broke lately, I only bought two things, but I wanted to buy more, so much that now that I received my payment I already made one more purchase there today haha. The two things I bought were: a wig and a rabbit ring!

A peruca é da Cosplay Wigs! Achei ela super macia e maravilhosa! Super estava precisando de mais uma peruca loira!

The wig is from Cosplay Wigs! I found it super soft and wonderful! I was super in need of another blonde wig!

O anel é da marca russa Moonbunny! Ele é super bem feito e combina com todas as minhas prints de coelho! A Luly estava vendendo dois; como na primeira vez estava com pouco dinheiro, peguei só o rosa, mas no pedido que fiz hoje peguei o azul também!

The ring is from the Russian brand Moonbunny! It is super well done and matches all my rabbit prints! Luly was selling two; as the first time I had little money, I only bought the pink one, but on the order I made today I bought the blue one too!

Além de tudo isso, a Luly me mandou um bilhete super fofo e uma balinha ❤

In addition to all this, Luly sent me a super cute note and a candy ❤

Obrigada Luly! Prometo cuidar bem de tudo ❤

Thank you Luly! I promise to take good care of everything ❤


  1. Que linda essa peruca! Amo quando as vendedoras mandam cartinhas atenciosas!

  2. I love Moonbunny's creations, they're all so cute! I need to get something for myself, although is not 100% my style I would love to support her <3

    1. Me too! When I saw my friend selling those rings, I knew I needed them! I want to purchase directly from Moonbunny ❤ I have to wait a little because I am still paying for some things, but this year I planned to purchase from my favorite indie brands!


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