Wednesday, October 6, 2021

New plant!

We bought a new plant for our garden.
We had asked in a flower shop if they had a specific tea herb, and they said they would bring it in the end of the week. But, there are two months since that and they never returned; I even found the plant and bought it in another flower shop.
So this week they call us saying the plant we ordered arrived; to be honest I was beyond pissed, because it is so annoying that the person took two months to return a call just to make us buy the thing he promised that would arrive in that week. Also, why not to call before purchasing the plant to see if we still had interest in that plant? That was so disrespectful!
Even though, as we """"""ordered"""""" it, we ended up buying just to not become the wrong ones in that story, but I will never buy anything in that store again.
Now I have two Lippia Alba to make tea. Might preparate my teacups for that.


  1. Esse cantinho da sua casa tá uma gracinha! Tomar um chazinho com biscoitos e bolinhos nessa mesa deve ser uma delícia.

    1. Obrigada! Nossa, é super gostoso ficar ali! Às vezes a gente até almoça ali!

  2. Seu jardim está muito fofinho :)


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