Sunday, October 17, 2021

[OOTD] Plaid dress and rocking horse shoes

Today I went out to the city market. I was planning to buy some almond flour there and eat a pastel, but as everyone was almost unmasked I decided to skip the eating part.

Beret: made by me
Parka: offbrand
JSK: made by me using an old costume
Socks: Ergy by Piratessan
Shoes: Vivienne Westwood + Melissa
Accessories: offbrand

We met a friend there and, after doing shopping, we went to take some photos!
I didn't took many photos, but I was photographed a lot haha. This one is the first one I took today and I found it so adorable. It is not in its best resolution because it was far away and I had to use the zoom on maximum.
Also, a feet pic! Rocking Horses are so lovely!


  1. Mais um outfit seu que tem a cara de Hogwarts, da Grifinória mais especificamente <3 Está linda :)

  2. Linda! O vestido vestiu muito bem, e a boina tá uma gracinha!

    1. Obrigada! Fico super contente que você gostou!!!


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