Sunday, October 31, 2021

☆ Angelic Party III ☆

So, today we had our little Halloween Meeting!
Angelic Party is on its third year! I am so happy!
This is what I am wearing today.
Witch Hat: decorated by me
Cutsew: Angelic Pretty
JSK: Cats Tea Party - Angelic Pretty
Waist bow: Angelic Pretty
Necklace: Angelic Pretty
Socks: Alice and the Pirates
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet
Bag: Cotton Candy Feet

This time I only made my signature Halloween coffin shaped cheesecake. I was planning to cook new recipes, but as I am in the middle of a dietary re-education, I decided to just make one thing to eat, so I avoid both food waste and eating more than I should.
I am very happy I could use my Angelic Pretty plates and teacups!
Sora-chan (my Usakumya) also loved to join the party!
I also got very happy my husband decided to wear boystyle today! He choose the coord by himself without any help. I am very satisfied the accessories we bought matched his coord very well. I need to sew him more boystyle clothes.

We also played Cards Against Lolita today. It was very fun but I got pissed the most politically incorrect answers were always in his cards --"

Anyway, today was very fun!


  1. Lovely outfit, beautiful couple! 🥰

    Happy Halloween!

    The cheesecake looks so delicious! Could you share the recipe?

    1. Aww thank you! Happy Halloween!
      Sure! I will post it tomorrow!

  2. Que fofinho seu Halloween :) Gostei muito dos outfits!


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