Monday, October 25, 2021

[OOTD] Halloween's Fancy Melody

Outfit I am wearing today~
I wanted to make a themed Halloween outfit with pumpkins for a long time!
The photo with a pumpkin in front of my face was inspired in a lolita photo I saw on internet some years ago.

Headdress: Angelic Pretty
Hair Accessories: Daiso
Bow tie: Angelic Pretty
Blouse: thrifted/offbrand
JSK: Fancy Melody - Angelic Pretty
Socks: offbrand
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet
Bag: Cotton Candy Feet
Bracelet: Cotton Candy Feet


  1. Gosto muito de outfits inspirados no Halloween. Amei esse brochinho de abóbora no cabelo :)

  2. Aaaah, tá linda!!!

    Desculpe o sumiço 😭, meu celular quebrou, comecei um novo emprego e atualmente estou bem doente. Mas vou tentar voltar a te acompanhar!

    Boa semana!!! 💕


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