Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Kawaii items for my home ~❤

I got some cute things for my lifestyle!

The first item is a bear soap dispenser. I was dying to buy it every time I went to supermarket and passed in front of that kawaii items' store. Finally yesterday I bought it! The seller said it was japanese, but I wonder what brand it is. Still cute though! I wanted it to put my hair conditioner inside it; although loving that conditioner, the package is so ugly, I can't stand it. Now I solved that problem!
Ugly package versus cute package
Ugly package versus cute package

Next items are three lolita keychains! I was searching for loliable keychains everywhere, but now I finally found it! They are so adorable! All of them have a small mirror behind them. Even the keys must be kawaii!
And last, but not the least, my new pink coffee machine!
To be honest, I hate coffee, but my husband likes it a LOT, so I thought it would be nice to have it in pink, as all my small appliances are pink. It was hard to find, but luckily I got it before it was sold out. Those pink things get sold out so fast!
Little by little my home becomes a pink bubble!


  1. Gosh I wish I could find a pink coffee machine!! ;o; And I love the little bear container, so lovely! ~

  2. Sounds like a dream that your husband accepts your pink bubble!

    1. Thank you!!! He always supports me! He also likes pink, so much that when we go to stores and he finds something pink and cute he ends up buying the item for our house haha!


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