Saturday, December 26, 2020

☆ Christmas 2020 ☆

This year we have got so busy with work, classes and, life (?) that we haven't decorated much. We just put some Christmas lights outside the house and a small tree in the tv room, with pink things of course!
I wasn't able to dress up in the Christmas day, so I did it in the day after. And of course wearing Holy Night Story, because it is my only Christmas print.
As I couldn't find a way to fit me, a small tree and a Hello Kitty Panettone in the same pic, I decided to hold everything! It kinda worked lol!
Headbow: Angelic Pretty
Star clip: japanese, offbrand
Cutsew: Angelic Pretty
OP: Angelic Pretty
Bangle: Angelic Pretty
Socks: offbrand
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet

So these were the Christmas gifts I gave to myself this year. This year, as we married and are living together, and sharing bills and money, we decided to buy for ourselves the things we really wanted, so no surprise gifts! I think this way is better because 1- you get exactly what you want/need, and 2- everybody gets happy.
First items, a Q-Pot tote bag, a golden star clip, a pair of beige ankle socks and an Angelic Pretty parasol.
All those I got from my friend Aiko, except for the parasol I got from my friend Heidi.
Then I also got for myself some eletronics and games!
I was wanting a 3DS so bad, especially because Style Savvy, and friends recommending me good games, so I was very happy when I found it! Besides the 3DS, it came with an original pink case, a charger that you just put the DS on it (idk how it is called), and more four games, including Mario Kart. The Girls' Fashion Shoot I bought after that. And I also got a baby pink bluetooth headphone.
As I did with my DS Lite, I put some Gothic & Lolita Bible stickers on my 3DS too!
And finally, a Hello Kitty Panettone that I bought because the packaging, of course.
I hope I can do more decorations in the next Christmas!


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