Thursday, December 3, 2020

New items for my Pullip House

The Pullip house was a project I started but never finished, so their house is only half done. It has a while since I last played with my Pullips, and today unfortunately will not be when this hiatus will be over - I still so busy to play right now. But I made some purchases for their tiny home.

Starting with the kitchen, the new items are the cutlery holder, that came in a Re-ment set, and the Swimmer "rug" - a small handkerchief that was in the perfect size for their home.
I still need to buy a dining table for their house, but I haven't found anything yet.
Just right next to kitchen is the living room; you can see from here the cake stand next to the toaster; in the Re-ments I bought I received that cake stand and the other in the tea table, that has flower decorations. I also got this lovely tea set! I didn't had a tea set in the right scale for my Pullips, but wait, with those big heads what is the right scale? I have some big tea cups that fit the size of their heads, but it looks like a pool when compared to their hands, so I think those small tea cups fit them better.
Next the two items I put inside their room: a "rug" (again those Swimmer handkerchiefs) and a small rocking horse that came with the Re-ment. It is so cute! I put both in the "closet" part of the room.
Then finally the bathroom, with the last rug. 
I still have to make a huge progress in this dollhouse, but I am happy with the fact I don't need to store Pullip things inside boxes anymore.


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