Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Back to the origins

When I was younger, I liked reading. It was in university, that I was forced to read 15-50 pages of hard understandable academic articles everyday for each class I had (in the last semesters, in some days, a certain teacher would require 200 pages in three different languages just in the day of his class), reading all the time, when I was lunching, when I was in the bus going to university, 1 a.m. when I arrived university and was going to download more and more texts for the next day, in my work between a customer and another, weekends, holidays, with no pause, that I started hating books, reading, the academic environment and hating deeply anyone who would think they were superior because they had knowledge.

This year I decided to recover from this trauma; I discovered a library near home, and even donated some books there. I also made a membership card, so I can borrow books for free. I decided starting very slow and in a very cozy way re-reading something I read in the same month I discovered lolita: Twilight.
I really hope I can go back to the reading habit soon, but recovery takes time.
In this meantime, today I am drinking a cinnamon mochaccino in my BtSSB cup, in a rainy day, remembering the (g)old times.


  1. Realmente quando a gente se vê obrigada a ler um monte de coisas que não são exatamente prazerosas é natural que o amor por leitura se torne ódio. Boa sorte recriando esse amor/hábito!

    1. Obrigada! Tomara que eu consiga retomar o hábito da leitura ^^

  2. Ter que ler por obrigação tira mesmo o gosto pela leitura... Eu gostava muito de crepúsculo na época que eu li/que saiu (2008 eu acho??), espero que tu se divirta lendo também!

    Achei adorável que tu tem uma biblioteca pública perto de casa, e que eles aceitaram doações de livros também!
    Eu quero encontrar uma biblioteca por aqui, mas quero antes terminar de ler os livros e mangás que to comprando...

    1. Eu li Crepúsculo pela primeira vez nas mesmas férias em que acabei conhecendo lolita, então é bem mágico poder ler novamente!


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