Wednesday, January 11, 2023

[Lifestyle] "She for sure smells like strawberries!"

Some people in my video's comments said they think I smell like strawberries in real life, so why not?
I bought today this Strawberry body mist from The Body Shop! I really liked it, because it smells like strawberries and has a touch of strawberry's sourness to it, so it is not a sweet fragrance.


  1. Aw this reminds me of the strawberry perfume Misako Aoki / Lolitina used in her music video Maepatsuhimeka🍓💖 I usually don’t wear any scents, but maybe I‘ll buy it just because🙈 It fits very well to you, I never thought about how you would smell (😂) but strawberry sounds good!

    1. Ah sorry I forgot again, here is Emily😊

    2. Ohh I wish I could try her perfume! I want to try more strawberry scented cosmetics!

  2. Achei interessante ser um perfume de morango e não ser super adocicado! Adoraria encontrar algo desse tipo por aqui ^_^

    1. Sim! É difícil achar perfumes de morango, no máximo a gente acha algum com morango misturado no meio ;-;


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