Monday, January 16, 2023

[Lolita 52 Challenge] Most versatile Lolita item I own

Today's challenge theme is: "Most versatile Lolita item I own".
It is hard to tell what item is the most versatile when you have a big wardrobe, which is more or less cohesive, so all the pieces more or less match well together, and you are always discovering new ways to coord them. But if I had to choose one, it would be definitely an offbrand silk blouse I own since I started in lolita - literally!

This blouse, which has an offwhite color, isn't a lolita blouse; it was something my mom thrifted a loooong time ago. When I started in lolita, I often liked to look at her clothes to see if I could "steal" something from her wardrobe, and this is my most beloved find there.

It matches almost everything, and it is the blouse I wear the most.

And you, what is your most versatile item?


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