Tuesday, January 4, 2022

[OOTD + Sewing] Rainy day and a new cushion

Outfit I am wearing today.

Headbow: Angelic Pretty
Cutsew: Angelic Pretty
Wristcuffs: Angelic Pretty
Bracelet: Cotton Candy Feet
JSK: Original Print - Angelic Pretty
Socks: Daiso
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet

Today I went downtown to buy some fabric. I saw an inspiration in my photo gallery that I had saved for a long time, and as I saw the specific fabric in the store the other day, I was with my ass burning in fire wanting to sew that, and I would not be satisfied until I started sewing it.
 Thanks God it was a very quick project, because I have some clothing repairs to do.
Doing repairs under the lampshade because the days are so dark lately with the rain.

Also, I am using my Angelic Pretty teacup for the first time today, and it already became my favorite one! This is the fourth day straight I am studying japanese, hope I can study everyday and reach my goal.
This year barely started and I feel so anxious to do everything at once!
Let's see for the good side, I am kind of motivated!


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