Wednesday, March 31, 2021

[Got Lolita] New bag

Wearing lolita daily makes you realize a lot of things in your lolita wardrobe. This time, it made me realize I am wearing too much black oldschool and I don't own an oldschool daily lolita black bag. I even have an Usakumya and a very cool bag that looks like a giant playing card, but while it looks amazing in events or photoshoots or meetups, that's not so great to go to supermarket, pharmacy, or getting an ice cream at the local ice cream shop. So I decided to buy a simpler and smaller lolita bag just to do those mundane things that do not require carrying your house with you, and at the same time I wouldn't feel guilty if I ruined it.
 I am very happy with my new bag! It matches so many things! 

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