Tuesday, March 9, 2021

[OOTD] Kinda oldschool, but just not exactly

Outfit I am wearing today. Did something with my real hair, and I am wearing the headdress I made.
You can notice the total shit I made in my bangs. Don't know exactly how happened, but some of the involved ones are: scissors, my good eye closed to not enter any hair and my bad and blurry eye on charge, at night, tired. Oops.

Headdress: made by me
Cutsew: Angelic Pretty
JSK: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Socks: Angelic Pretty

If the hair looks good, thank the Hello Kitty leave-in cream lol. Those kids products make wonders and smell so good!


  1. Ahh, que linda! Eu adoro o nome dessa marca 'Baby, the Stars Shine Bright', e esse headdress que você fez ficou lindo também.

  2. Ooooh your real hair look beautiful! <3 You should style them more often! ^^

    1. Awww thank you so much!!! I will try to use it natural more often!


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