Saturday, March 13, 2021

[Lolita Games] Style Savvy Trendsetters for N3DS

Last time I talked about games I talked about Style Savvy for Nintendo DS, and if you remember that, you also remember that I got the 3DS game, Trendsetters, so today I am going to talk about it!
Yeah, I know the cover isn't in any way attention calling, like, if I saw this game in a store without knowing it, surely I would pass. BUT, don't judge a game by its not so good cover.
Regarding the story, a few things change from Style Savvy for NDS, but the structure is basically the same: you start working in a store, and you become so good the owner gives you your own store, for you decorate the way you want and sell whatever you want. 
The new thing in this version is the moon; as you make people happy, you little by little fulfill a kind of "happiness jar", and every night this jar fulfills in a proportional way the moon; when the moon gets full, it "spreads happiness" everywhere and things happen, like, new things get available, or you win something.
And now, what you were waiting for: the lolita content!
Well, compared to the Style Savvy for DS, this one has a lot more options of lolita clothes and accessories, and more printed items!
I am not sure, but I have the impression that things change according to seasons! I started to play in december and there were a lot of winter items, but now the items seem to have changed. I didn't played enough months and enough time straight to be sure, but that's my impression.
If you are going to play Style Savvy for the first time, know that Lolita isn't called Lolita, but princess style. And as the previous DS game, there are basically two brands that sell lolita clothes: Marble Lily and Raven Candle. While Marble Lily this time is more Angelic Pretty and Innocent World style sweet, Raven Candle is as always the gothic lolita store, but this time besides having some prints that resemble a mix of Moitié and Putumayo (chandelier skirt, I am looking for you), it has a pink piano bag (I thought it was supposed to be from Marble Lily).
Speaking of styles, there's a lot of hair styles and makeup for you choose what looks best with your character! There is also a lot of places to go, including sometimes a cake shop and a rose garden. You can also end in a magazine snapshot sometimes when going places.

If you decide to sell lolita clothes on your store, you will always have lolitas going there. And they will complain if you try to sell them some item you already sold them, sometimes even if it is in another color. You will have to learn how to deal with these demanding buyers haha.
Normies and other alternative styles come to buy in your store, so it is good to have those other clothes in stock too.
More than that, what should I say? Sometimes people schedule friend dates with you just to go to café or to go to the photo studio. You can also enter the fashion contests, and if you win, you win a prize (clothes and sometimes money). You also get featured in the cover and in an article of the online magazine Nuances.
It is a very addictive game and really, do not judge it by its cover, it is very good. I love to play it to get distracted, and when I see, I have to stop to charge the 3DS battery. I really love playing it, and if you like to collect lolita clothes, I think you will love it too!
Do you recommend any lolita games? Not the cute games a lolita would like, but games with lolitas in it. Do you know any?

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