Sunday, March 26, 2023

[Lolita 52 Challenge] How I first found out about Lolita

Today's theme is "How I first found out about Lolita".

I was in vacations at my aunt's house in Mato Grosso (a state in Brazil), in 2008. The city was, and maybe still being in the middle of nowhere, three days and nights by bus from my state, and all you see is soy fields for three days inside the bus. It was in the middle of nowhere, just like Shimotsuma Monogatari, that I first found out about lolita fashion while browsing internet. I was bored, working in my aunt's store, and while I was on the computer, I started searching for a mini hat in Avril Lavigne's style, and ended up finding a lolita mini hat photo hosted in the - nowadays dead - Queen Victoria's Dolls brazilian lolita website.
I was so amazed by that style... It was all I loved. Since I was a child I used to draw brides and princesses in old notebooks and I wished I was a bride everyday so I could wear poofy dresses. I also would spin around my own feet when wearing dresses to make them poofy with the wind as a princess' dress. And for my delight, this fashion had a punk substyle, that covered the kind of style that I was liking in my teenage. Everything I could wish for in my life. 

I remember that day I opened my flip phone and I texted my friend in extasis: "I discovered what I am! I am a lolita!!!", and since then I couldn't take this fashion out of my mind.

And you, how do you found out about lolita?


  1. This is very cute story :D. I was looking for a cheap cosplay on LighInBox and at the time, they had some (rather ita-ish) lolita stuff here.

    1. Thank you! When I started, there was a store like this too in the capital city, and I really got super excited going there to buy bad lace lolita headdresses, hahaha, it was so magical at that time. I wish I had the same enthusiasm today lol


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