Wednesday, March 15, 2023

[Lolita 52 Challenge] Why don't I wear Lolita more often?

Today's theme is: "Why don't I wear Lolita more often?"

Well, there are two reasons. In the morning I usually go to the gym, so no lolita there for burando safety reasons. 
The other reason is depression, I've been suffering a lot with it lately, so wearing lolita needs so much energy, energy the most of the time I don't have, so I am giving myself some time to recover.

And you, why don't you wear lolita more often?


  1. I don't wear lolita often because I'm always looking for an "event" that justify it. Living in a country city as a lolita atract to much unwanted attention. Also, I can't use it on my job (where I spend the most of my hours). Also, I don't have to many pieces. Btw, to me, you look someone who's using lolita as much as you can and it is inspiring. I hope good times go to you and you feel better

    1. Thank you! Lolita indeed atracts too much attention, and it is very hard to handle the people, the hot weather, and the time. I hope you have more opportunities to wear lolita!


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