Friday, March 17, 2023

[Lolita 52 Challenge] Predict the next Lolita trend!

Today's theme is: "Predict the next Lolita trend!"
Well, in my oppinion, the trend is already here: sneakers in lolita!
While I have already done it a decade ago with baby pink All Stars - and was considered ita! -, that's a trend I am neutral about. While I don't imagine myself - MYSELF!!!! - wearing sneakers with lolita, I wouldn´t mind of wearing them to the gym to lolify my stupid gym clothes a little.

And you, what will be the next trend?


  1. I see two movements on the lolita scene: a boom of causal and some rescue of old school. Trends are to hard to predict to me.

  2. I cant totally believe sneakers in lolita being a new trend! I have never been a fan ot them, but I think it's doable, especially in more casual looks.
    As a prediction, I see more people wearing classy looks here, so I can imagine classical OTT looks coming back in the near future!

    1. That's a very possible trend! Maybe OTT gothic coords too!


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