Wednesday, August 11, 2021

[OOTD] Alice again~

Outfit I wore today to go out ~

Headbow: selfmade
Blouse: offbrand / thrifted / modified by me
OP: Bodyline L518
Socks: Emily Temple Cute
Shoes: Axes Femme
Bag: Leticia Diniz

Today we took the day off to show my mom the city of Holambra (and of course, eat a lot!)
The day was very sunny.
I really missed eating Rozen Gebak! I ate a lot! I also ate the rose icecream!
So many options!
That city is so beautiful~
I also made some shopping but I will show them later~


  1. Eu sou louca pra conhecer essa cidade. As fotos ficaram lindas!

    1. Obrigada! Essa cidade é muito linda, um charme só! Vale muito a pena ir visitar!

  2. Que lugar lindo! E eu amo temática de Alice em lolita. Combina tão bem e é uma das minhas estórias favoritas :)


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