Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Lolitas in Artiswitch anime

I heard from this new anime at Lolita Updates (Fb) and wanted to register it here for the lolitas in the future who may search for it!
They have a channel on Youtube just for this anime, which you can find clicking here.

Can't say much about it, because it is still on the 4th ep, but what I can say is that the story is about a witch who grants wishes. Not all the episodes have lolita fashion, but Harajuku Fashion is very present.
The anime has english subtitles, which is amazing! 
I just finished the 4th one, and I am in shock.
I am really looking forward the next episodes!


  1. e vc colocou o botão de tradutor, nossa facilita muito a vida! obg Ana <3

    1. Sim!!! Eu descobri essa semana esse recurso para o blogger! Muito prático!


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