Saturday, August 14, 2021

Pink gardening~

Lately I am into gardening a lot! When my mom came here she taught me many things about gardening, so it is time to put them in practice!
I bought two pink flower pots (although my mom have said they will look ugly soon) and planted some herbs! I was very happy I could find one of them, that when I was younger was my favorite to make tea. I can't wait for it to grow!


  1. ahhh que maravilha q vc começou a curtir jardinagem <3
    Mexo com plantinhas também, ultimamente comecei a cultivar morangos, eles são bem delicados mas ainda estou pegando o jeito com eles, se quiser alguma dica ou recomendação sobre jardinagem pode me chamar q será um prazer ajuda-la!


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