Monday, August 30, 2021

[OOTD] Birthday girl ~

Today's my 28th birthday~
Since I was a teen I always thought I would be from the 27 Club, so it is strange see the 28th birthday coming. Don't know if it is good or bad, but we will only know it living the next years I guess.

Headdress: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Cutsew: Angelic Pretty
JSK: Bodyline
Socks: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Axes Femme
Bag: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright

I got two wonderful presents! A Gothic & Lolita Bible 25 and a pink steamer! I am so happy! Now I will take wrinkles off the ruffles easier!


  1. Feliz Aniversário!!! Desejo que você seja muito feliz e realize seus sonhos lolitosos. Amei o outfit rosinha :)

  2. feliz aniversário atrasado Anaaaa, estou corrida mas pretendo enviar algo para vc em breve <3


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