Monday, June 27, 2022


Today I took the day to do some cleaning and throw things away. You wouldn't believe in how many things I have separated for recycling tomorrow!
Also, I added more items in my shop - books for now; when I finish them I will see if I post my lolita closet cleaning.
Speaking of books, I was dealing with some boxes full of them I brought from my mom's, and I took off this one to read. Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights. Seems very interesting. Little by little I start to like reading again.


  1. I am always amazed with how many things I can declutter, even though I thought I already let everything except the bare minimum go the time before😅
    I'm looking forward to your closet cleaning post! This kind of content is so inspiring to me😍 Could you imagine to vlog the process? No pressure - I just think it would work great as a YouTube video😊

    1. Yeah, useless things seem to appear in the corners like magic! I am trying my best to keep everything tidy and in the minimum quantity necessary, but there is always something to throw away. Idk if the "closet cleaning" would be something fun to watch, since I am going just to separate some pieces I don't wear anymore and post them for sale, but the literal closet cleaning seems something that may be fun to watch :)


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