Saturday, June 25, 2022

Small victories


Lately days have been so busy for me while I try to put my life in order... Today wasn't different. I worked, went out to throw some old things in the city´s ecopoint, exercised, studied... 24 hours seems nothing lately.
To give me some serotonin today, my husband made pudding again! I ate it in my Angelic Pretty plate. The pudding was great, but eating inside my favorite plate made it even better~


  1. Esse prato é tão fofinho! Tenho vontade de comprar essas coisinhas da angelic Pretty e da baby, mas tenho medo de chegar quebrado :(

    1. Obrigada! Ah, é meio arriscado, tanto pode chegar inteiro quanto quebrado :( teve uma vez que comprei um Usakumya e quando chegou a caixa estava toda molhada e rasgada... se tivesse louças ali com certeza tinha quebrado. Teve de ser reembalado lá em Curitiba...


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